"The 10% betting method, also known as the Reverse Martingale or Anti-Martingale system, is the opposite of the Martingale system (see Technique Eight for details). In this approach, you bet 10% of your total capital each time. It involves ""reducing the bet when losing and increasing it when winning."" You consistently use only 10% of your total capital for each bet. If you experience losses or partial losses, you still wager 10% of the remaining amount in the next bet, which will be less than the initial amount.
For example, if you start with $1000, you bet 10% of it, which is $100. If you lose that $100, you have $900 left. In the next bet, you bet 10% of $900, which is $90. If you lose $90, you're left with $810, and you bet 10% of that, which is $81. If you continue to lose and are left with $760, you bet $76, and so on, progressively reducing your bets as your capital decreases.
The advantage of this method is that it helps limit your losses within a certain range. While the Reverse Martingale method is not foolproof and can still lead to losses, it provides more room for error compared to the Martingale system.
In situations where you experience a losing streak, the Reverse Martingale method can often prolong your bankroll's endurance. Using the Martingale system, if you experience a consecutive loss of 10 bets, your next stake will be 1024 times your initial bet, which could potentially lead to depleting your bankroll entirely." |