"Router Protocol is a cross-chain communication infrastructure aimed at providing bridging facilities between numerous Layer1 and Layer2 blockchain networks, allowing users to instantly trade and exchange assets from different blockchain networks. It currently supports asset transfers between blockchain networks like BSC, Avalanche, Polygon, Fantom, Arbitrum, and more.
Router is not just a cross-chain tool but also an ""infinitely expandable bridge."" It offers a cross-chain communication network platform, where all blockchains can interconnect by connecting to Router network nodes. Any new chain can be inserted into the Router network through configuration, enabling interoperability with other blockchain networks.
Router can be likened to a shared central server with countless plug-in ports (nodes). Each blockchain network is like a computer that can be connected to this shared central server via an ethernet cable, enabling message exchange between each computer. New computers can be added on the fly, allowing for infinite expansion." |