"""If you earn 3000 a month, no matter how much you save, you only have 3000. If you earn ten thousand a month, spending 5000 leaves you with 5000. If you earn twenty thousand a month, spending ten thousand leaves you with ten thousand. If you earn three hundred thousand a month, spending fifty thousand leaves you with two hundred and fifty thousand. If you earn a million a month, spending two hundred thousand leaves you with eight hundred thousand.""
So, he advised me not to waste my brain cells on constantly figuring out how to save. Instead, he emphasized the importance of focusing on how to make money and invest. He suggested that increasing income is more critical than reducing expenses and maintaining life quality. I thought, ""No problem.""
However, when I got home, I decided to dive into gambling, fully determined to focus on making money and investing. The result? It was a disaster, and I felt disheartened. I told myself not to give up because I still needed to use the money I could win to buy a handbag for my girlfriend. Now things have really gone south, and I'm wondering what to do. It looks like I'll have to buy a smaller handbag. No, I shouldn't give up. After all, it's the weekend, and I refuse to believe that I can't win the money for that handbag!!" |