Multichain (MULT), formerly known as AnySwap (ANY), is an infrastructure designed for cross-chain interactions of arbitrary information on the blockchain. It supports users in transferring token assets, NFT assets, and data between any two blockchains, aiming to become the ""multi-chain router"" of the Web3.0 era, allowing users to freely move various tokens across multiple chains.
On July 20, 2020, Multichain was initially constructed under the name AnySwap to meet the demand for communication between different blockchains.
In its early stages, AnySwap was a decentralized cross-chain exchange application (DEX). Later, the development team shifted its focus to cross-chain solutions, removed the DEX functionality, and relaunched it under the name Multichain. They concentrated on building the infrastructure for arbitrary cross-chain interactions and introduced cross-chain bridges, enabling users to transfer assets from one chain to another. In June 2021, Multichain Version 3 (MultichainV3) was launched, supporting asset transfers between multiple chains. Multichain evolved from being a ""1-to-1 single cross-chain bridge"" to a ""cross-chain router system,"" achieving interoperability across multiple chains." |