"From a mathematical perspective, whether you use the strategy of ""increasing bets after a win and decreasing after a loss"" or its opposite, there isn't much difference; the distinction lies in the psychological aspect.
Applying the strategy of ""increasing bets after a win and decreasing after a loss"" carries little psychological pressure, and betting feels more relaxed.
Conversely, using the opposite betting strategy can create greater psychological pressure, especially when you've already incurred significant losses. This approach requires substantial financial capacity to withstand the increased bets.
Drawing from Kahneman's prospect theory, it can be concluded that in situations of prior losses, people tend to become risk-seekers rather than risk-averse. ""Chasing losses and scaling wins"" is a method people unconsciously apply. Those who are accustomed to this approach need an adjustment period to transition.
Instead of desperately avoiding losses, it's about facing them openly. This is the attitude of ""increasing bets after a win and decreasing after a loss"" towards losses." |