Today, a friend asked me this question, and in response, I've summarized a few things:
1.Everyone wants to make more money, but most people don't know how to do it.
2.Blaming "rich people" as unethical villains is much easier than looking in the mirror to find out where you can make money.
3.Ensuring that everyone makes an equal amount of money is impossible. The Pareto principle applies here as well - some people will always earn more because they provide more value. It will never change, but we can make sure that lower-income individuals can make enough money.
So, how can we address these issues?
1.If you're very poor, understand that it's because you haven't provided enough value to earn more money. The reason Bill Gates is so wealthy is that every person with a computer can derive value from it. For me, the computer creates a lot of value (it allows me to work, find clients, etc.). That's why Gates is so rich; he indirectly impacts billions of people every day, providing value. You could even argue that he's underpaid! He's created trillions of dollars in value for individuals and companies, which is why Microsoft is such a massive company. The same goes for oil giants – they are wealthy because oil creates trillions of dollars in value for everyone – we drive cars, etc.
2.I've been poor for a long time, went bankrupt, my businesses failed, and it's not "rich people" who disappointed me. I didn't learn valuable skills to provide value to people. For instance, you can solve this problem by learning design and then selling design services to those who need it. This creates enough value for them, and you get compensated for it.
3.Through free online education, anyone can learn new skills and start providing more value than before to earn a reward. |