Focus on the task! Focus on the task! Focus on the task! Important things need to be said three times to be remembered. Don't play around; the cost of not being focused can be quite high, you know~ There's a guy who, due to a lack of focus, sold his NFT worth three hundred thousand for only three thousand!
Max, the owner of the Bored Ape NFT, made a typo and entered the wrong price for his NFT. He accidentally sold an NFT originally worth $300,000 for $3,015, probably missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit! Max mentioned that he wasn't paying full attention when entering the NFT price on OpenSea. He explained that he lists many items every day, so he wasn't careful. By the time he realized the mistake, it was too late. Someone else had already bought it before he could cancel the transaction. With such a significant discount, it must have been a hot deal, and there was no time to cancel. And that's how Max bid farewell to his hundreds of thousands of dollars.
So, we should all focus on our tasks and be mindful in our actions. Otherwise, like him, we might unintentionally lose a substantial amount of money. The phrase 'focus on the task' is something we've heard since childhood, and it's probably one of the most frequently repeated pieces of advice from parents to their children. It's something we all know but find challenging to adhere to. At any given moment, we can't do numerous things simultaneously. If our thoughts are scattered, we can't concentrate. By focusing on one thing at a time, we can avoid mistakes. |